
Angela Russo
1 min readJul 25, 2022


Imagine life as a current… a river if you will. The people in it are riding the current together.

Every race creed and religion.

Separately, we jostle through the current, bashing into one another and fighting for the space to navigate comfortably (if anything in life could quite be deemed comfortable).

We struggle to endure, battered against one another and the rocks of life, solitary souls ricocheting through the rapids.

Struggling To grow…

To move forward to that final beautiful cascade.

But when we pull together and connect our lives…connect our respective inner-tubes, we forge a lifeboat of safety. Cling too tightly and the raft pops or sinks. Drift too far apart, and we become missiles of human destruction rather than havens of balance and complementary synergy.

When we realize that our lives are forged best together, the rapids become a thrill. Every rock and whirlpool gives pause, but encountered together it becomes an exercise in transformative survival… and in that unity of interdependence, we create “surthrival.”

The rapids become an exciting ride rather than a knuckle-gripping free fall. And the picture at the end of the waterfall endures for eternity.



Angela Russo

Poet, aspiring writer, passionate advocate for emotional intelligence, avid nerd and Lyme warrior.