Simply Be

Angela Russo
2 min readJan 26, 2022

There is an unparalleled beauty in embracing the art of simply being. No expectations for how we wish that would be…rather acknowledging and accepting how we feel emotionally and physically in the present moment…even if that means accepting that we feel like death. Accepting that we are not where we wish we could be is liberating. It is only when we focus on the truth found in objective subjectivity that we can be honest of our present condition.

To simply be is to step into the present moment grounded in reality. Pain, discomfort and loose ends along with the certainties. To simply be is to release the pressure to heal faster than we can. To find the power to be loving and content in our current physical and emotional state, rather than distracting or running from it. Sinking into it. Not being consumed by it, rather surrendering to the gentle pace of where we are.

Until we can accept where we are with grace, we cannot move forward in peace. So learn to simply be. Present to the symptoms and the aches and pains. Present to emotional waves and landslides. Simply be. And notice who supports this. Who is loving in the slow pace? Who is supportive in the chaos? Who comes alongside in the best and the worst with unfailing compassion?

Simply be. Let the thoughts drift in, be observed, and flow out. Simply be. Take time briefly alone and then submerge in community. Simply be present to the gifts offered. Dont try to mask the pain or wrestle the circumstances into a more pleasing shape. Simply be. Ebb and flow. Give and receive. Seek and be sought.

Simply be present to the gift of wisdom in every moment of heartache or joy. In every tear shed, be aware of the cleansing act in the midst of the sorrow. Rest in the rhythm of each breath, sure, steady, centering.

Simply be and trust that while we are ever present to the present moment, God was, is, and always shall be with you step by step guiding you.



Angela Russo

Poet, aspiring writer, passionate advocate for emotional intelligence, avid nerd and Lyme warrior.